Miles and miles of muddy beach, jelly fish, mangrove..... yes, we were in Morib 2 weeks ago. It was quite an adventure, Kristen dived into the brownish water without second thought... Meescha hesitate for a second but later screamed with delight. I tried to walk to where they were but the slimy feeling that reached my foot when I step into the water put me off, yulks. My husband??? doesn't even bother to dirty his slippers. But the sunset was just amazing. Oh, we collected plenty of nice seashells. These were taken using my handphone.
Spoke to Kristen on the phone just now and excitedly she told me she scores 89% for her Bahasa Melayu and 98% for her Science... so proud of her. I thought the only full sentence that she could speak in Bahasa was "Saya nak ponteng sekolah hari ini". I was so wrong.
The exam was 2 weeks ago and I told her "pray for guidance before you start, if you are not sure of the answer ask God to help you" and keep on reminding her that God is always with her just like in Psalm 23. She obeyed and I thank God for the result. I really wanted her to get good marks as to prevent her from attending extra classes schedule for year 1 students who need aids.
Before she put down the phone she asked me this "Mom, those results are good enough for me to get my bicycle?" I was tempted to say yes instead I said "You still have 3 more papers"
...she had been longing for a bigger bike and I told her she needs to work for it and the deal was that she needs to score all A's. By the way, these are pictures from her Birthday Party at Mc Donald's, Sunday School and home not too long ago, too busy to upload them then. Notice, unlike her sister, she's not sexist, she invited boys to her party.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Kristen turns 7 three months ago and Meescha turns 9 five days ago, my little princesses moving higher into life, watching them grow.. always reminded me of my childhood days. The many many hugs with the girls and to not a single hug from my parents but I know they tried their best. I am so going to do my very best too and I've got an advantage, I have got God with me.. what more can I ask?
New uniform, new shoes, new bag, new everything and uuh she was so excited. Her first day in primary one. "I got to go to this big school with my Meescha". She woke up early, get dressed and all ready. We are as excited as her. Look how smart she looks.