Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Holiday and Real Holiday

The kids are definitely enjoying their school holiday now. Even though they still go to the daycare centre, it's better than having classes. Our real holiday will start next week, can you imagine 1 week off.....I am as happy as my 4 year old. Everyday she will remind me.... don't forget to pack my swimming costume, make sure the hotel has swimming pool mum, I don't want short holiday aah.

But today again, she refused to get up in the morning, we went shopping for their flower girls accessories until 11pm last night. Finally when she opened her eyes, she asked me "Mum is it still school holiday?" and when I replied yes, she leaped from the sofa "yeah no class". "Hurray, saturday is the wedding". Probably more excited than the bride. Our friends are getting married and the girls are the flower girls, first time for Kristen but quite season for Meescha.
This was Kristen's prayer in the car today "Lord, help us to do well as flower girls in the wedding"

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