Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Hero

My 2nd daughter champion her dad in every situation, wonder whether she does the same thing when she is with dad, I mean defending me if dad said something about me, but come to think of it... dad actually never would discuss things like this with them.

Over mistake that dad repeatedly does:

Me: Eh your daddy never learn his lesson
Joy: Don't said that mum, dad went to school ok, he learnt his lesson well, he even showed me his
school when we were in PD.

When dad came back from the barber and his head is almost botak

Me: Your dad fall asleep or the barber fall asleep in the saloon?
Joy: I like, he looks nice and when I touched his head the feeling is nice too.

When I am too angry to talk to dad

Me: Why must he make me mad?
Joy: Forgive him ok mum, Jesus said must forgive each other ma.

When we are at supermarket (both 1st and 2nd daughter)

Me: Let's go and pay these goodies
Girls: Mum you pay aah, I saw just now dad has only $20 left in his wallet.

In the restaurant while ordering food

Me: Ok I am going to order the sashimi set
Girls: Mum do you notice how expensive it is, kesian daddy got to pay so much.